Earth Alkemie’s new facebook url

I have set Earth Alkemie’s username on facebook, so Earth Alkemie’s facebook fan page now has a simpler to remember web address! It is now

Please update your bookmarks and let your family and friends know that Earth Alkemie has a fan page. I post several times a week (sometimes daily, and usually don’t post more than 1-2 posts a day), on a wide range of topics ranging from natural skin care and ingredients (including many DIY recipes), eco living (such as all my eco living and DIY articles), environmental issues or nature, herbalism, aromatherapy, and more! And of course once Earth Alkemie reopens (I am shooting for early next year, depending on my health), there will be posts on the ingredients I use, products, and contests. So check out Earth Alkemie’s fan page!

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Li is a long time environmentalist and the owner of Earth Alkemie, an all natural skin care and mineral makeup company.